FLAGS GLOBE - © Alhovik | Dreamstime.comOur curated list of Messianic groups from all over the world.


Our goal is to help you find the fellowship you need.  We don't just add groups to a list and leave them there forever whether they are still valid or not.  We actively work to keep our directory as accurate and up to date as possible.

You can read through this list, search, or view groups organized by location, the type of group, or their affiliation with larger (inter-)national organizations.

In our joyous Messianic Synagogue you will meet both Jews and Gentiles who are genuinely warm, loving, friendly and caring. Ours is not your standard boring service where you come, listen, go home and nothing changes. We don't talk about what God "can" do, you'll see Him do it! Rabbi Don’s messages come from God’s Word and are delivered in an easy to understand way.

Rabbi Don Goldstein


Welcome to Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue's home on the web. We are a congregation of Jews and non-Jews who worship the Lord together in unity. Our congregational family believes that it can make a difference in the greater Tampa Bay, Lakeland, and Wesley Chapel areas by bringing a spirit of love and grace to everyone we meet. We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah of Israel, and it is through knowing Him that we can express unconditional love.

Rabbi Steven J Weiler


Shoresh David is a congregation of Jews and non-Jews who come together to worship the Lord in unity. Our Services include liturgy in Hebrew and English, prayer, a message from God's Word, Shabbat School for the children, Messianic Praise and Worship and Davidic Dance. We begin our gathering with the blessing over the bread and wine, then fellowship together during "nosh" (a Biblically kosher pot-luck style meal).

Rabbi Ed Marvin

The words "Shuvah Yisrael" mean "Return, O Israel," and are taken from Hosea 14:1, where the L-rd is commanding the nation of Israel to turn back to Him, to repent of their sins, and to seek the forgiveness that He, alone, provides. This message represents the focus and direction of our congregation which, even today, seeks to call the Jewish people back into relationship with G-d.

Messianic Rabbi Larry Feldman


We are a Messianic Jewish Synagogue and community which has gathered to celebrate T'Shuvah, (Return to God) with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. This T'Shuvah was made possible through the Jewish hope of the Messiah and the message of reconciliation with God, which he was to bring. We believe this hope was realized in Yeshua the Messiah. Though these issues seem controversial to many, we believe that the evidence from real history demands an opportunity to be re-heard in our Jewish world. We believe that these issues are most clearly communicated in the context of the local Messianic Synagogue. In Messianic Synagogues like Shuvah Yisrael, we can see sincere Jewish life and practice, being lived out in agreement with the Jewish scriptures which present the compelling message that Yeshua is indeed the promised Messiah of Israel. Messianic synagogues began to emerge in the late 60's and 70's growing to form an international movement that continues to flourish and build bridges of understanding in our Jewish world. Our vision and purpose is to bring healing to the Jewish and Christian worlds that have suffered from a paintul history of misunderstanding.

Rabbi David Rosenberg


As a messianic congregation, we believe that the Jewish Scriptures predicted the coming of the Messiah through whom men and women could experience not only the atonement (forgiveness) of sins, but also a personal relationship with God. We believe that the Messiah is Yeshua of Nazareth.

Pastor Edward Mooney


It is our calling to be a bridge between Jew and Gentile, and to be a witness to the Jew first and equally to the Gentile (Goyim/Nations/Non-Jews). We must teach the relevance of the Tanakh, or Hebrew Scriptures (“Old Testament”) and the B'rit Chadashah (New Testament) as one continuous revelation. Our desire is to teach the rich Hebraic roots of our faith, and the Good News of Yeshua, the Messiah. He came to gather the lost sheep of Israel, and the nations of the world to know the God of Israel through His finished work as our Mediator. Our goal is to present Him in truth that we may all come to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior, and to provide an environment where Jewish people can remain Jewish and still seek the Messiah. (1 Timothy 2:1-5, Romans 1:16-17; 1 Cor. 7:17-20; 10:32-33)

You are invited to join Pastor Jay Howard and the entire congregation to celebrate the good News of Yeshua Messiah and the restoration of the whole House of Israel coming together in One. Pastor Howard's teachings include living in God's Kingdom instead of a religion, applying the Torah teachings to our lives today, and the character change that will set us into motion towards our next season.

Being a youth-oriented congregation, we reach out to the next generation through teachings, praise music and performing dramas. Please join us as we honor The King of Kings, Yeshua HaMashiach, serving the Durango / Four Corners / Farmington area in Colorado. Our Sabbaths are filled with worship through song, dance, congregational dance, teachings and great fellowship. Join us!

We offer four different courses free and a weekly Shabbat service.